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Responsable Tourism


Responsible tourism. This is the firm commitment of Casa das Xacias to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): a universal call to end poverty, protect the planet and guarantee peace and prosperity throughout the world.

Respetamos nuestro entorno natural

We respect our natural environment

Conocemos, respetamos y fomentamos las tradiciones locales

We know, respect and promote local traditions

Fomentamos el consumo de productos de temporada con nuestro huerto ecológico

We encourage the consumption of seasonal products with our organic garden

We present the gastronomy and wines of the area, as well as local producers

Hacemos un uso responsable del agua y lo fomentamos con nuestros clientes. En Galicia también hay sequía…

We make responsible use of water and we encourage it with our customers. In Galicia there is also a drought...

Minimizamos la generación de residuos y reciclamos cuando es posible

We minimize the generation of waste and recycle when possible

Buscamos el bienestar de nuestros trabajadores, fomentamos el empleo local e inclusivo

We seek the well-being of our workers, we promote local and inclusive employment

Desarrollamos políticas y fomentamos medidas para la igualdad de trato y oportunidades entre hombres y mujeres de la empresa

We develop policies and promote measures for equal treatment and opportunities between men and women in the company

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and Rural Tourism

On September 25, 2015, the United Nations General Assembly approved the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals, a framework that includes 17 goals and 169 goals for states, civil society and the private sector to they can guide and measure their contributions to sustainable development by 2030. Its 17 Goals seek to eradicate poverty, protect the planet and guarantee equality and prosperity for all.
Tourism appears in the goals of the following Objectives: SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth, SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production and SDG 14: Life below water. However, due to its reach and impact, tourism can directly or indirectly help achieve any of the 17 Goals.

Sustainability Policy

At Casa das Xacias we align ourselves with all the SDGs and we are committed to collaborating with the gradual implementation of the sustainable development goals proposed by the UN to improve people’s lives, and consolidate a planet governed by peace, prosperity and alliances.

Compromisos de sostenibilidad derivados

  • Promote information and knowledge of the ecosystems that surround us.
  • Promote the local economy, local trade and local production.
  • Dynamize, inform and promote alliances on the fulfillment of the SDGs
  • Promote sustainable consumption and actions in the Ribeira Sacra Biosphere Reserve

Derived Environmental Commitments

  • Comply with current environmental legislation and all commitments to protect the environment
  • Promote the use of clean and renewable energy
  • Promote recycling and sustainable production
  • Ensuring clean water supply and efficient sanitation
Where you can find us


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